Mojave Model Railroad Favorite Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions. These questions are updated periodically and new questions added based on requests. Have a question not listed? Email me and it might just show up on this page at some point with an answer.
How long have you been in the hobby?

I’ve been involved in the hobby off and on since the early part of the 1980’s….Damn I’m getting old! As with many, life sometimes gets in the way of your passion and free time. Might be why many don’t pick the hobby back up until later in life.

What era do you mode?

I get this question a lot. I model what interests me. Kind of my layout, my way! Some really get into era specifics from rolling stock, to signs, to buildings and cars. I tend to lean more toward the modern era. However, as for trains and rolling stock if it peaks my interest, I’ll run it, regardless of the era it is supposed to be in. I think many modelers forget that a very large percentage of people just want to have fun running trains. If it makes you happy, JUST DO IT, as bottom line it is your layout.

What gauge do you model?

I have modeled everything from N Scale to G Scale over the years. Currently my layout is HO. I find that HO gauge offers the most flexibility, products and working size that fits my budget as well as my eye sight. Getting old sucks!

What is your favorite part of the hobby?

I love the imagination, creativity and technical aspect of the hobby. The hobby has come a long way with the advancement of DCC. For me this is an escape, and to get lost in a fictional world you are creating has therapeutic healing powers.

What is your least favorite part of the hobby?

This is going to hit some people wrong but needs to be said. The “Rivet Counters” as you would call them. I get those who are so detailed to an era that even the smallest coke bottle is era specific. The problem, those people, purist, tend to talk down to those that just want to run trains. Not everyone has worked on a railroad, not everyone has time to do research into every single thing they add to their layout. They, again, just want to run trains. I tip my hat to those so focused to an era it takes your breath away, but those same people need to understand they are the 1% in this hobby and to constantly critique negatively those just entering the field looking for help, ideas and guidance isn’t the way this hobby will grow or expand moving into the future. Okay, I said it!

Do you run DC or DCC?

I think the last time I ran DC was back in the 80’s. Everything I do now is DCC and even though many run Digitrax I find NCE is a much better user friendly system. There are many others breaking into the hobby and as technology advance so will my opinion. I mean ESU is starting to look really good as well with their new throttles. I personally like the ability lately with JMRI to run the trains with my phone. That has been one of the coolest changes this hobby has started to embrace.

What is your favorite brand?

That is so tough to answer because not all companies offer the same products, especially from track to rolling stock. I was for a while collecting Atlas Master Line Products. I love KATO’s engines, but not their sound. Right now I have to say some of my favorite products bought over the years is ScaleTrains. I love the ESU Sound Decoders and the detail on their rolling stock is priceless. Now that said, I still go back to what makes me happy. If I find an engine or rolling stock that just sets my heart on fire, I buy it, regardless of the brand or detail. Sometimes you just have that one or two cars that take you back to your youth you have to have.

What gauge track do you use?

Currently on the modular layout I’m working on everything is Code 83. Not a fan of Code 100. Looks toyist, but also understand why so many use it as it can be forgiving. When I finally get around to building my permanent layout it will be code 83 for mainline and code 70 for siding, but that is years away and things might change.

Do you do customized work for other?

Over the years I have done customized work for others. Never really promoted it, just kind of happened by word of mouth. I’ve done weathering, kit bash buildings, DCC Installations and even a few modular layouts and layout sections. Never really took pictures or documented anything as it was just for fun. In hindsight I wish I would have and started a YouTube Channel years ago. And show the right and wrong way I’ve done things over the years…more wrong then right!

Why do you think more women aren't involved in the hobby?

This is always a touchy subject. As sometimes I don’t have a filter here you go….This has always been a male dominated field and the male ego can be very sensitive to intrusion. Think of model railroading as the ultimate “man cave” and your wife wants to be part of it. Also, there is the carpentry and electrical aspect of the hobby that many men feel a woman doesn’t possess the skills to even use a hammer. That might have been back in the 50’s but the new generation has evolved and understand how to get by in life without a guy! As someone who has been in a number of different fields viewed as a male only club, I understand being in a room knowing more than the guys, but being treated like I don’t have a voice only because I am female. The times are changing and many women have broken the glass ceiling in this field and are trail blazers for the younger generation moving forward. Once we drop the stigma that a woman can only play with Barbies then and only then will we see more women in this hobby. Just look at every marketing done in this hobby…they all feature for the most part a guy and his son on the box. I could never understand why a hobby would alienate 50% of the population when it comes to product placement. Anyway, long story short..too late…I’m hoping by promoting what I’m doing on an array of different platforms that other women will come forward and share their passion for this hobby.

Can we submit a topic we'd like to see on your YouTube Channel?

Even though I have a background in TV/Radio, my degree actually is in TV Broadcasting. I have spent a majority of my life in radio as well as dealing with audio behind the scenes. I never was one to be in front of the camera so this is a whole new experience for me. This medium tends to lean toward the young and attractive, especially when it comes to women on the screen, men not so much. Sorry guys!

Now that said, I would love to have people offer ideas they’d like to see my take on for YouTube. It might not be exactly the information or take they wanted as I can be a bit of a smart ass and sassy, but then again many like that kind of attitude. It also might not be the only way to do things. I’ve found a number of different videos on topics all coming from a different point of view. I can only give what has worked for me or what I have found productive….that information might not always be the right way of doing things or the only way….it will just be my way.

Is your layout open to the public?

As this is still a work in progress I don’t normally open up this layout to the public. However, those that might be the Henderson, NV area…just outside of Vegas…and would like to take a peak you are more than welcome to contact me for a private showing.

Where do you buy most of your model railroad supplies?

Like many I do buy a lot online as you can always find deals. However, I love John and his staff over at Westside Trains in Las Vegas. The store has Lionel as well as HO and N Scale. If I need something John is always willing to order it in a timely fashion. Plus, I love talking to the guys, I’ve learned so much and even enlightened them on a few topics. As there are few hobby shops in our area I try and support them as much as possible. I’d rather pay a little more knowing there is a place for like minds and a place to get something last minute for my layout if needed.

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